Sunday, April 1, 2007

"And now for something completely different!" - Just when I am certain that this page can't get any better, the folks at Blogger push the envelop just a little further. Thanks to their continued innovation and hard work, this blog has two new capabilities that frequent readers will undoubtedly appreciate. First, you will notice a new series of newsfeeds along the right-hand side of the page. These feeds come directly from Fox News Network, and will have the advantage of providing news items originating in the U.S. (As careful readers may have noticed, many of the items in the current feed were from ex-U.S. news outlets.) It is hoped that by diversifying our feed sources, we can provide a wider range of reportage and interpretation. And as always, I commit to continue sharing my perspective on that which is worthy of comment.

But perhaps more significant than being able to provide news resources from both sides of the Atlantic, as of this post, we will be launching mm&tTV (powered by the good people at YouTube.) At the bottom of the right-hand side of the page, you will notice a series of video preview windows. As you rest your cursor on one of the preview panes, a brief description of the video will appear. By clicking on a pane, you can call up any of the videos, which will appear at the top of the web page. The videos come from a wide array of sources, to include the CATO Institute, the Manhattan Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution and the American Enterprise Institute, and most of them will last no more than 5-10 minutes. Current video offerings include two selections from Charlie Rose, a snippet from Politically Incorrect, and very good (and very lengthy) video of a presentation by Dr. Bjorn Lomborg on global climate change.

I trust that the addition of both of these new features will enhance the experience of visiting this site.

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